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Washing Mashine Repair Service

Door Step Service

Best Service by Our Experts

Semi Automatic Machine Checkup


The Charge Will be added along with the repair, otherwise only the service charge will be taken.

Spare Parts will be charged Extra.

Full Automatic(Front Load) Machine Checkup


The Charge Will be added along with the repair, otherwise only the service charge will be taken.

Spare Parts will be charged Extra.

Full Automatic(Top Load) Machine Checkup


The Charge Will be added along with the repair, otherwise only the service charge will be taken.

Spare Parts will be charged Extra.

Full Automatic(Front Load) Installation


The Charge Will be added along with the repair, otherwise only the service charge will be taken.

Spare Parts will be charged Extra.

Full Automatic(Top Load) Installation


The Charge Will be added along with the repair, otherwise only the service charge will be taken.

Spare Parts will be charged Extra.

Semi Automatic Installation


The Charge Will be added along with the repair, otherwise only the service charge will be taken.

Spare Parts will be charged Extra.

Full Automatic(Top Load) Uninstallation


The Charge Will be added along with the repair, otherwise only the service charge will be taken.

Spare Parts will be charged Extra.

Semi Automatic Uninstallation


The Charge Will be added along with the repair, otherwise only the service charge will be taken.

Spare Parts will be charged Extra.

Full Automatic(Front Load) Uninstallation


The Charge Will be added along with the repair, otherwise only the service charge will be taken.

Spare Parts will be charged Extra.